The same thing is being said about Whatsapp. So now Facebook has a huge mine of data. Reminds me of the California Gold Rush. The only ones to make money out of it were land owners shovel vendors and Levi. Tom Dolembo added It s like the financial groundhogs have all come out and didn t see their shadow. There is a recent sudden effort to monetize concepts many of them apps for Android and IOS driving doubtful revenue models in packed market segments with little differentiating code.
Nol Perreira asked What will prick the bubble The timing of that is one might say whimsical. I think the initiating event which could occur at any time will be something that awakes the investor that there is a real time value to money and it might be better to get some current returns…. Konstantin Tryapitsyn suggests what might prick the bubble. I personally believe Chinese Overseas America Number Data that some natural limits always exist and that customer behavior can change. The burst will be when we will observe that consumer patterns are changing. On the other hand some believed that things that have changed since the bubble may make another one less likely. Ofer Vexler said Unlike the situation in the s today s Internet mobile businesses and users have already evaluated the benefits… and … analysts valuations can be more predictable … Shankar N. bubble was due to lack of proper valuation mechanisms to capture traffic and customers.
In the last years there has been an increase in the use of the Internet and users are well aware of the importance of certain applications and services. AIM agreed that compared to dot bubble days we are living in a much broader information based society that necessitates transparency…not only is the quality of information better but the speed as well. Ralflippold felt we will face a bubble at some time but suggested that bubbles have a positive side to them that they are on one side of a fine line a line that is beneficial to walk.