I strongly recommend that you upload the video or photo content that you want to share directly to each platform. By posting your video directly to Facebook, you will have better results than sharing a link to your video on YouTube! Tip Encourage action We are overwhelmed with content on the Internet and social networks. As a result, we consume them more and more quickly and we sort them drastically automatically. advertisements per day compared to in the s While we were only confronted with advertising messages per day on average in the s, , strike our attention today.
Yet our attention span has not increased. This data alone is a danger for your engagement Albania WhatsApp Number rate on social networks. To improve it, I therefore recommend that you integrate a CalltoAction into your publications to indicate very precisely to your audience what you epect from them. to think about what to do with your message and you will therefore increase your chances of persuading him to act. Tip Increase your social proof Social proof is a clearly essential element for the success of your Marketing strategy. To fully understand what it is and, above all, how to eploit it,

I studied Apples marketing strategy here As far as we are concerned here, to improve your engagement rate on social networks, you can use social proof to encourage users to take action on your publications. In fact, social proof is a cognitive bias that makes a person tend to look around to know what decision they should make. This is why, for eample, you look at reviews before choosing a restaurant. On social networks, if you take care to promote the comments you receive or the content directly created by your community, you will encourage others to do the same.