How to avoid broken links on your website? Now that you know the importance of a link building strategy, it's time to learn how to prevent broken links from appearing on your website. SEO audit The first step is to perform an SEO audit . If you have a huge website, with a lot of content, an audit will likely take a few hours to complete. But, the results will show everything you need to fix. The best way is to do it every quarter, but you can also do it every six months. Replace or redirect links After identifying all the broken links you have, the next step is to replace them with new content at the same URL or redirect them to other similar pages (this is what people do most).
Remember: every broken link is a problem and Telegram Number Data Google doesn't like it. Therefore, fix them as soon as possible so that your website performs and ranks better. Transform broken links into link exchange opportunities Broken links are a good opportunity to make new link partners. A common practice among SEO experts is to replace a broken external link with one to someone else's page. You can use a tool like Semrush to identify these broken links. ADVERTISEMENT Then, you can contact the person responsible for that page and say something like: "Hello! I found this article written by you and included it in a post on my blog on this very topic. Do you think it is possible to have a link of mine on your blog too.

Also, if you find broken links on someone's domain, you can use a different approach to include a link of yours there: "Hello! I noticed that your article has a broken link about digital marketing and my blog has great content about it! Please feel free to replace it with my link . " Some people will accept, some will not. But, after following those three tips, the problems you have with broken links will be solved. I hope this article has been useful for you and your link building strategy. Now, if you want to be sure that your SEO strategy as a whole is also good enough, stay with us and take our free assessment to find out ! Share Learn about 7 types of landing pages and their characteristics .