A technology loan is an excellent opportunity to finance investment costs in the form of purchasing machines, devices, entire technological lines, carrying out construction works and adapting rooms. The support will be non-returnable (subsidy), max. co-financing level: %. Ecological credit ( . ) This is a completely new action, unknown from the previous perspective. In short, the Ecological Loan is the equivalent of the Technology Loan in the area of ecology. The aim of the measure is to support enterprises in the transformation that increases their energy efficiency (it will be possible to finance, for example, the replacement of energy sources with more environmentally friendly ones or the purchase of new energy-saving machines).
Both SMEs and large enterprises belonging to the small mid-caps and mid-caps categories will be able to apply for the subsidy. Similarly to the Technology Loan, the intensity of support will depend on the size of the enterprise and the place of investment implementation. Max. the level photo retouching of co-financing ( %) is intended for projects implemented in Eastern Poland. Applications will be available from August , Brand promotion of innovative SMEs ( . ) This competition is the equivalent of the Go to Brand competition known from POIR. The aim of the competition is to promote product brands of Polish SMEs and facilitate their foreign expansion.

Participation in trade fairs and conferences, as well as the costs of organizing economic missions will be co-financed. The support will be non-returnable, max. the co-financing level is %. The recruitment is to be launched in the second quarter of . The amount to be distributed will be PLN million. Eurogrants ( / ) This activity is dedicated to entities that want to apply for EU programs centrally managed by the European Commission (e.g. Horizon Europe, LIFE). Activities related to the preparation of such a project can be co-financed, including: with searching for partners to implement the project (this type of projects usually have to be implemented in international consortiums) or performing professional translations.