It is important that, while developing your product, you think about how you are going to monetize your new business model. Otherwise, it will be impossible for you to earn any profit no matter how much traffic you have on your site. AARRR Funnel: Pirate Metrics for your Startup [Infographic] - aarrr VIDEO The need for the sales funnel for companies in all types of sectors.
Discharge AARRR funnel objective The Phone Number List objective of the pirate funnel or AARRR funnel is to achieve customer monetization, always. In this sense, there are several metrics to take into account. rate, together with the ARPU or Average Revenue per User , which indicates the average income per user; or the Customer.

Lifetime Value (LTV) or lifetime value of a customer, which indicates the income that a customer is expected to contribute during contact with the brand. The key is, among other things, choosing a metric and focusing all your effort on it. Buying cycle and pirate funnel The time has come to talk about the purchasing process and the AARRR funnel , where these metrics or steps that are part of the funnel are implemented.