[size=14.6667px]Granting such leave must also be preceded by the interested employers agreeing on the period during which the hired employee will be employed by the other employer. IMPORTANT The initiative to grant leave to an employee in order to perform work for ather entity always comes from the employer itself but only if the employee gives his or her consent. provision the period of unpa leave referred to in is included in the period of work on which employee rights with the current employer depend.
[size=14.6667px]The above regulation does t specify separately how to take holay leave for a hired employee. Holay leave philippines photo editor[size=14.6667px] is granted by the new employer so the new employment relationship should be treated as additional employment for the purposes of holay leave. However after leave for that calendar year should be settled in accordance with Art.
[size=14.6667px]Of the Labor Code. IMPORTANT Unlike leave granted on general terms an employee's leave for the period of his or her employment is included in the employee's length of service which determines employee rights. Recruitment agency The practice of granting employees unpa leave in order to work for ather employer should be distinguished from hiring employees through temporary employment agencies. The rules for employing temporary workers are regulated in the Act of July on the employment of temporary workers.