Taking notes (take a notebook and pen with you, even when you go to bed). Drink coffee or tea (caffeine stimulates memory and theanine increases creativity and helps focus). Write in the morning (that's when our brain's creativity center is at its peak). To write without stumbling, you may want to build a vocabulary of powerful words that you can use in content. There are a lot of words, and top influencers like Jon Morrow or Henneke Duistermaat have developed the ultimate lists of such words for marketers. Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start.
I have something to help you. We present Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO We have finally opened registration to Ranktracker completely free of charge! CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT Or sign in using your credentials The 7 different types of power words 5. Reuse LOB Directory A good tactic of your marketing strategy would be to adapt your content to channels other than blogs. Repurpose your existing content to extend its lifespan and reach a wider audience. This could be an infographic, video, audio, webinar or SlideShare presentation. You can also update old content in your archives. Audit your website and check your analytics to see which posts are still generating traffic and being liked by users.
Make sure they are still relevant and republish them with updates to extend their lifespan and minimize the impact of stumbling across content ideas. Did you know that up to 76% of your monthly page views can come from your old posts? So why not try it? Final Thought To paraphrase Stephen King, the road to becoming a good SEO expert and content marketer is paved with challenges. But the man who has never made a mistake has done nothing. So, whether it's writer's block or another stumbling block, you're armed with tactics and tools to overcome any challenges in your path. What are your personal tactics for creating SEO content without stumbling? What advice would you give to marketers struggling with this issue today?