However, it can still be said that it takes less man-hours than developing from scratch with scratch development. Advantage 3: Reduced maintenance and operation effort Developing a system is not the end. To ensure that the system operates without problems, maintenance and operation must continue forever. This depends on the packaged product, but in some cases the company providing the system will be in charge of maintenance, operation, etc., and function updates. Such products are safe and easy to use even when in-house human resources are not available for maintenance and operation. Disadvantages of package development Let's also check the disadvantages of package development.
Disadvantage 1. There is a risk of support being discontinued While package development has advantages such as short implementation period and low cost, it also comes with risks such as discontinuation of support. A typical example is "SAP's 2025 problem." It is called Phone Number List this because the support period for existing SAP ERP systems will end in 2025, and companies using SAP will be forced to respond. ERP products are the IT infrastructure that fundamentally supports the business of an entire company, so their impact is immeasurable.

After that, would be changed from the end of 2025 to the end of 2027, but although this was actually a two-year extension of support, it is unknown to what extent issues can be resolved in an additional two years. It is expected that the name will simply be replaced with "SAP's 2027 problem". Unfortunately, such risks are inherent in packaged products, and it is important to keep in mind that each time a product migrates to a successor version or upgrades, it incurs significant costs. Disadvantage 2. It is necessary to match the business flow to the package In package development, products are introduced with the premise of customization, but since they are still based on ready-made products, there may be limits to customization.