For example: “Get templates for free.” Call to action. Invite them to subscribe to the channel or buy a product before everything is gone. For example: “Fly to the channel”, “Subscribe to the channel”. Image. You can use a product photo, infographics, even cats as a picture for your post. The main thing is to knock the user out of banner blindness and pay attention to your post. You can put together a post using the formula like this: Situation and contrast This can be used in any channels, especially those that sell courses, information products, and the like. What does this structure consist of: Common situation.
The main goal of this part of the post is to create in the reader the feeling that he is in a similar situation. Talk about what is happening to the hero of the post, how he feels and, perhaps, describe the discomfort of the situation. For example: “The salary is not satisfactory, there is Web Development Services always not enough money even for food. Bills arrive faster than previous ones can be paid off. And you can only dream about new clothes. And this is how half the country lives. Is it possible to somehow improve the situation? Opposition. Show that things don't have to be so bad. Point to hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

For example“If half the country lives like this, that's their choice. But that doesn’t mean you have to live like that.” Results and benefits. But this is not always a good idea. In the article we will talk about the advantages of mass mailing in Telegram, we will tell you who needs it, how to launch it and what are the nuances. Contents: Why do you need a newsletter in Telegram and what are its features Advantages of telegram mailings Nuances of mass mailing of messages in Telegram Types of mailings in Telegram In personal messages.